Agave Home Loans

In collaboration with a front-end developer, we played an integral part in bringing the Agave Home Loans website to life. Through HTML, css, APIs, certificates, and plug-in development, our contributions included:

  • Installing SSL/TLS certificates to enable security through HTTPs
  • Creating the Reviews page to automatically refresh Google and Facebook reviews
  • Installing and customizing the mortgage calculator plug-in
  • Integrating email notifications for prospective client form submittals

The website was delivered on-time, on-budget with client satisfaction.

Sports Reporter App

To bolster credibility with the mobile app generated articles generated, the companion website includes articles from all major sports leagues. These articles are integrated into the generated articles as recent news. The website implements Google AdSense to service high quality and relevant ads to users.

GroupFood App Landing Page

The landing page for the GroupFood app is used for digital marketing and business cards. The design is simple and clean allowing users to thumb through mobile app screenshots answering the question of how this app would make their life easier. The call to action for users to download the app is pinned as users scroll down the page.

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BreakingNewsApp.Net Website for WeReport App

The WeReport app generates custom news articles using any photo the user chooses to upload. The user can share a link to the custom article with friends and family. The articles are also aggregated by category on the website. This mobile/web news platform is crowd sourced with user-generated content putting the power with the people enabling real news reporting.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is sportsreporterappwebsite-669x1024.png